Wednesday, February 07, 2007

~~Are You There~~

I stood beneath the waterfall I whispered,
"God, Are you there?"
Then I felt my own heart beat,
In His gentleness.. .to share,

I stood upon the mountain top I whispered,
"God, Are you there?"
Then in echo, I would hear,
Natures sounds...everywhere,

I stood beside the oceans edge I whispered,
"God, Are you there?"
Then a rainbow crossed the sky,
His loves reflection.. .filled my eyes,

I stood at my mothers grave I whispered,
"God, Are you there?"
Then my heart was lovingly filled,
With beautiful cherish and share,

Then I stood all alone,
God whispered
"Are you there?"
I said, Yes!
Dear God,I send my praises to You above,
For always standing beside me,
With Your never ending love.



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