Thursday, May 17, 2007

~~Come Back To The Garden Of Prayer~~

How often do we lay out a request before the Father in desperation, to declare what we need. In passion we pray for the first several days like a gardener out planting seeds. But we easily become discouraged when God doesn't move and respond at the speed we desire. So we give up & stop praying...stop seeking His answers and stop believing in His wisdom and fire. But no gardener would ever lay seeds in his garden without returning to the garden each day. Such is the pattern we must follow in faith to move forward and constantly pray. We must keep coming back to pray in the garden where by faith we believe He is there. And we weep in surrender to create the very water that nourishes the seeds of our prayers. And just as the gardener believes something will grow and push up from the dark soil of earth. So we also believe God is working unseen and hears our prayers for all they are worth. Great faith is built in the process of waiting where the heart melts in communion each day. For the patience of the gardener is rewarded in time...and so are we when we press through & pray.



At Friday, 18 May, 2007 , Blogger Sis. Julie said...

Prayer is so essential!! And our faithfulness to it is even more essential. Great post!!

At Monday, 21 May, 2007 , Blogger Jodi said...

Great faith is built in the process of waiting ...

So very true! Great post!


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